HomeMapas › Freedom [Kevin Cools (Kef Nukem)]


Características del mapa

  • Autor: Kevin Cools (Kef Nukem)
  • Tipo de juego principal: Single Player
  • Tipos compatibles: Single Player, Dukematch, Cooperative
  • Año: 2003
  • País: Países Bajos
  • Versión mínima: 1.4 (Atomic Edition)
  • Nuevas texturas: No
  • Nuevos sonidos: No
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 84 kb

Readme de Freedom

This will probably be my last User Level for Duke Nukem 3D so please enjoy it.
I hope you people will have a great time spending in the community and if you
haven't yet tried the BUILD editor, do so because it rocks. I have enjoyed it
for more than 6 years but it's time to go now.

This map is called Freedom for two reasons. I think you're smart to figure
out both reasons. Walking through this map reminds me of Resident Evil although
I haven't got my inspiration from that gameor anything. Well, goodbye.

Title                 : Freedom
Filename              : Freedom.zip (.txt and .map and .bat) + an extra soundfile somewhere
Author                : Kevin Cools (Kef_Nukem / Kuffi)
E-mail                : kevincools@hotmail.com
Web Page              : http://www.planetduke.com/kef
Description           : You are sitting in your little boat to enjoy the water and the wind in your hair.
			Sounds look a good vacation doesn't it. Then you suddenly see an island. Looks like
			you have sailing around in the same direction for too long. You stop
			your boat, take a look at your map/ guide in order to find it, to conclude that the used to be a 				great spot for tourists but that it got quiet around the island after a strange accident a few years 				ago. You decide to check it out since the villa on the picture in the tourist guide looked 					really nice.

			There it was, the big villa. It looked even better than on the picture! You could hardly imagine this 			wasn't a spot full of tourists who would walk around on the beach, have dinner in the restaurant and 				then go back at night again in a nice cruise ship. 

			You put your boat on the island while suddenly you see a few people walking on the rocks. As you 				start your sentence: - "Hey sir, where's the entrance to the.."	- they suddenly pull out a gun. 
			They take you away but before you enter the villa they put a blindfold on your head. Next thing you 				know is waking up on some cold floor with a carpet with a grass-logo on it, a bench with some 					creepy guys on it and some stuff on the wall like paintings, a bat etc. You look at your legs and see 			they are tight together. Hmmm. How are you going to get your freedom back?

Other Maps	      : Loads of maps for Borg Nukem, 007: The Secret Base, Tenton, Eye Witness, Snowtown, OHTLD1, Xmas2k1
			Xmas2k2, We Store Your Crap R3mix, Retrospective and ohh so many more maps for Tcs, or just user 				levels but I can't be fucked to make a list of that now (it's 3am so). 
Release Date	      : 28 Aug 2003 (beta), full version a few days later
Additional Credits To : Billy Boy (for the base of the weird effect), 4of10 (my bro) for telling me about the BAT stuff hehe.
Beta Testers	      : Pascal Rouaud (Roch), Fakir (Fakir3D, DukeWeb etc.), HighWire (City Terror, DukeWeb etc.)

Single Player	       : Yep
Co-op or Deathmatch    : Yes
Plutonium Pak Required : Yes
New Art                : No
New Music              : No
New Sound Effects      : Yes
New .CON Files         : No

Base                   : No, it is BASS that I like.
Level Editor Used      : Mapster this time.
Art Editor Used        : None
Construction Time      : 9 months
Known Bugs/Problems    : Yeah, the door in the girls toilet.
File location          : http://www.planetduke.com/kef
			 Maybe not, maybe more. I dunno!
How to play	       : Unzip everything in your Duke Directory and run Freedom.bat

It's ok if you check my map in BUILD and see how I did certain things, probably you won't find out since I have my own way
of making effects which might look odd to you hehehe. But then again, try to be original or just ask me!
If you love this map or have questions. Contact me at: kevincools@hotmail.com

\\------------------------------------------------Kevin Cools-------------August 2003-------------EOF//