Title : Filler
Date Finished : March 9th, 2005
Filename : Filler.map
Author : Aymeric 'MRCK' Nocus
Email Address : aymeric-nocus@tele2.fr
MSN : MRCK41@hotmail.com
Web page : Coming soon :D (should mean the opposite to anyone out there knowing
me well enough to tell ^^)
Misc. Author Info : 17-years-old skateboarder from France :P Plays the bass and screams in
a crappy fucked punk-hardcore band with no drummer. Proudly owns the
shittiest PC ever. Has been playing Duke with the default keyboard
settings for centuries (on the 3D Realms / DNF timescale). Spams on
AMC, then blames Supa Sang for being a bad butterfly killer. Should
get a life, instead of writing it down.
Released maps by me : Clerey 2.0
Notre-Dame des Aydes 2.0
Mega-CGR 2.0
Dark Side of the Moon
Anarchy City
Downtown Ride
Anarchy City 2
Anarchy City 3
MRCK's Spiegul map
CBP6 (project leader)
Rural Nightmare
You can grab them all from DN-R but my latest levels have been
reviewed on MSDN and AMC as well :)
Description : Very colorful, Roch-inspired city map. Considering the Dogville event
that happened a few months ago, I tried not to directly rip anything
from Roch but still, part of the credit goes to Pascal Rouaud. This map
has some nice innovations, you'll see :) There's lotsa cars,
nicely-designed buildings and plenty of action in a large gameplay
area. This map is likely to get a sequel one of those days.
The map is quite challenging the first time around (the way I like it),
but not frustratingly hard, really (when compared to my Spiegul map for
example). Just save often and everything will be OK :) I think Ive
balanced the gameplay pretty well this time.
The 'filler' name comes from the fact that I didnt put that much
effort into this map, I built it just for fun and decided to release
it... as filler, since it had been months since I last released
something :P And Minor Threat's Filler song just rocks. So I kept the
name ^^
Enjoy this kickass map :)
Additional Credits to : Pascal Rouaud, for his amazing, very inspiring work. Ppl tends to
forget he's the one who first started to build 3D-chairs, thin
spritework, etc. so I had to acknowledge him for that. Check out
his Roch map series (assuming you havent yet, and thus are either a
n00b, or a fool. Or both - then you're either a n00bish fool or a
foolish n00b... or both. Argh goddamnit)
Taivo Maripuu, for making some of the best maps out there, which tend
to inspire me quite a lot.
Merlijn 'Mrline' van Oostrum, for being a great bloke making great
maps :P
Ryan 'Quakis' Rouse, for finding two totally unnoticeable
sprite bugs only to have his name stated here ^^
Kim Robinson aka the Repository Bloke - without his support since the
beginning, this map would never have seen the light of the day. Check
out the Duke3D Repository http://www.bur.st/~duke3d/
Brett Gmoser, Jonah Bishop, Steffen Itterheim, Klaus Breuer for their
early Build FAQs - they taught me everything.
Flogging Molly, for rocking.
Everyone I forgot (I think).
Oh, and me, because without me none of this would have been possible :P
And last but not least - my girlfriend, for being the best.
* File info *
Sectors used : 0925 / 1024
Walls used : 7665 / 8192
Sprites used : 3017 / 4096
Keycards : 5
Monsters : 113
Map filesize : 405 Ko
Atomic Edition needed : Yes
Innovations : Yep, there are some here and there. Also I reused that fake door effect
from my Rural Nightmare map, this time in a funny way. You'll see by
yourself :P
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Episode Shit, Level Fuck. Cmon, this is an user map.
Single Player : Hell yes :P
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Nope :P You're on your own hehe :>
DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Nope :P
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented - who needs them ?
New Sounds : None
New Music : Yep, Fascination Street by The Cure. Downloaded it some months ago when
looking for a suitable MIDI for Rural Nightmare.
New Graphics : Nope - I dont like that kind of 'extra' stuff. I'd rather stick with
the original Duke stuff and try to use it in new, fresh ways. I find it
more fun :)
New/changed CONs : None :P
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from my ass. But fear not, it doesnt stink that much.
Build Time : A month and a day
Editor(s) used : Makemap
Known Bugs / Problems : A couple sprite glitches, and some minor stuff here and there you
hopefully wont even notice. Nothing major, really. Oh yeah and some
newbeasts seem to be able to run through some particular walls. Odd.
No real effect on gameplay tho. I could have fixed that bug by fucking
with the walls but that would have been a little painful :P (pun).
May Not Run With... : Carl Lewis :P
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. But they can scope it under
Build to see how the new effects work.
You MAY distribute this map, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may
distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include
this file intact.
I'm at no fault if any of the files included in the ZIP file and / or the ZIP file itself damage
your computer / data in any way. Don't worry I hardly see how that could be :P Just in case.
You never know.
You MAY send me some feedback ^^ Just mail me at aymeric-nocus@tele2.fr and tell me what you
liked / disliked in this level, etc. It would help me a lot and make my building skills improve
even more :) Thanx in advance !
* Where to get this MAP file *
DN-R : http://www.bur.st/~duke3d/
MSDN : http://www.planetduke.com/msdn/
AMC : http://www.planetduke.com/amc
No stupid joke involving a fake link this time, sorry.
* Important Information *
Installation : 1) Install it.
Important Notes : Dont waste your pipebombs once you've got them. You'll need one in
the elevator shaft, otherwise you'll get stuck. We'll call this
'getting BlitZd' :P
Next maps by me : Lotsa baby :P Ill remake some of my old maps (AC1-2-3, Downtown Ride)
and then I might start working on Rural Nightmare 2. And Ill prolly
make a Filler 2 map one day as well. Hmm. Or maybe I'll never make
any of those, and some others instead. Argh. I really dont know. Fuck
you :P