HomeMaps › Urban Takeover [James Duncan (Epadeam, Jimmy D)]

Urban Takeover DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP

Map features

  • Author: James Duncan (Epadeam, Jimmy D)
  • Main game type: Single Player
  • Supported game types: Single Player, Dukematch, Cooperative
  • Year: 1998
  • Country/es: United Kingdom
  • Minimum version: 1.3d
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 66 kb

Readme of Urban Takeover

Duke Nukem 3D .Map Authoring Template v1.0

Title                   :Urban Takeover
Filename                :scumcity.map
Author                  :James Duncan
Webpage                 :http://www.epadeam.demon.co.uk
E-Mail                  :jimmyd@epadeam.demon.co.uk   

Description             :Duke was parked up in his tuned RS Turbo downing a 
                         six pack when a load of aliens came and nicked his 
                         wheels, Duke jumped out of the car in rage and shouted
                         "those alien bastards are gonna pay for nickin my alloys"
                         Now he is running around the city kicking the asses of 
                         every thing that moves, even the rats. 

                         Explore the scum ridden slums of this huge city avoiding
                         dangers such as the tank that patrols the streets
                         (which is supposed to fire RPGs but it dont), and
                         snipers in the windows.  Demolish buildings and ransack 
                         hotel rooms, raid offices and blast through pool rooms.
                         Basicly blow the shit out of everything!

Additional Credits to   :No one, cos I made on me lonesome. 

Additional info         :This level was originaly a dukematch one, but when
                         played it was found to be to darn big, so I put some
                         monstors and some extras in and made it wot it is now.
                         Another thing is that this lev doesn't run to well on
                         a 486, not even a DX4 100, oops! my fault. 


* Play Information *

Single Player           :Yes
Co op                   :Yes
Dukematch Level         :Yes (but is a bit big unless you've got 4 or more)
Difficuly Settings      :Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    :New level from scratch
Editor Used             :Build
Known Bugs              :er... none that I can see.