OK JUST IMPORTANT INFO HERE, NOT BULLSHIT, NOT SHITTY TEMPLETES. YOU AREN'T GONNA READ THIS ANYWAY LOL. The map is called "The Hunt" exclusive released for Steam Workshop. DM ONLY It has some really neat and cool tricks here and there, some really useful for game tactics against your enemies. Discover them by yourself! Visit www.youtube.com/mikenorvak for DUke Nukem and other videogame remixes, gameplays and other stuff, or simply scan the QR code in the map! The map was relased on 17/AUG/2014 Thanks to Duke64, Noldor Ranzou, Cristo Marquez and Mxrtxn, for betatesting and such valuable feedback and motivation! :) IF YOU RIP PIECES FROM THIS MAP YOU ARE SUCH A NOOB, POOR YOU. SHAME, SHAME ON YOU. IF SOMETHING IN THIS MAP INSPIRES YOU FOR YOUR OWN MAP, I'M GLAD. JUST REMEMBER TO MENTION THAT FACT SOMEWHERE IN THE DESCRIPTION OF SUCH MAP. SEE YOU IN THE FUTURE! YOU MEAN THE PAST? EXACTLY. RAD DM MAP. Characteristics: * Up to 8 player DM. More suitable for 2 - 4 players.. * Loops around it self. So if you go to one side of the map you end up in the other side * Includes working QR code! * Get strong weapons at your own risk * Projectiles reflective walls * Suitable for hide and seek or face to face combat MikeNorvak