Title : Roch 6 Filename : Roch6.map Author : Pascal ROUAUD E-mail : pascalrouaud@hotmail.com Please send me any comments about this map If you post it on your web page, please tell me you've done it so I can appreciate... Misc.Author Info: I'm French (sorry for my English) Other Levels : Roch, Roch2, Roch3, Roch_sc1, Roch4, Roch5. Other stuff : DukeRoch, a Windows Duke3d launcher, which also allows you to test all Duke3d sounds and musics, browse and test .GRP files, and more... Description : My seventh map. The sixth in the series - Roch_sc1 will be the 1st secret level in the episode I should make one day... Some cool effects/tips & tricks. 5 secret places. If you love this map like I do and would like to know where all secrets are, mail me to get a demo file that shows everything (or to get my previous / future levels). _____________________________________________________________________________ Additional Credits To : Ken Silverman, 3D Realms. Special thanks to my beta-testers: Ken Silverman again who's been kind to betatest it. : "Build" author http://www.advsys.net/ken (our God to all of us!) Chris Allcock : Chris's page http://jump.to/chris@his-site Kevin Cools : Borg Nukem (& DNF Inc) http://borgn.totalconversions.com Jeremy Endres : Duke Map Busters http://www.planetduke.com/dmb Tracy Fox : (no website) Thanks for your great support! Juha Laaksonen : Dukesivut http://www.dukesivut.cjb.net Maarten Pinxten : 2maarten.com http://www.2maarten.com Antonio Rodríguez: Página oficial de Real3D http://r3d.cjb.net Mikko Sandt : MSDN http://www.planetduke.com/msdn Matt Wareham : DNF Inc http://www.fragpipe.com/~dukeinc For their support to "DukeRoch": Jeremy, Juha, Maarten, Matt and Mikko again... Jack Farnsworth III: Gloryroader http://gloryroad.freeyellow.com Nekromancer : Duke Nukem Center http://www.dukenukemcenter.com/ Jeremy (again!) for his demos and previews of my levels at Duke Map Busters. _____________________________________________________________________________ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Roch6 Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (3 skills) Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : No New Music : No New Sound : No New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No (see above for a "secret demo") _____________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : New level from Roch5's end room Level Editor(s) Used : Build, Hex Workshop Construction Time : 3 months (on and OFF) Known Bugs/Problems : Let me know... * Where to get this MAP file * File location : In "Roch6.zip" with this file... _____________________________________________________________________________ * Important Information * Installation : Unzip ROCH6.MAP in your Duke3d directory and type: duke3d map roch6You may choose your skill : add /s# (#=1 to 4) If you own my Windows Duke3d launcher "DukeRoch" (mail me if you don't!): unzip ROCH6.MAP in your Duke3d directory and double click it. Change any default options (skill, fake multiplayer, etc), then just click OK... Macintosh users : You know better than me! _____________________________________________________________________________ * Suggestion * I love demos! Please, make me a favour: record one in any of my maps and send it to me (pascalrouaud@hotmail.com). _____________________________________________________________________________ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You MAY distribute this MAP (Roch6.map), provided you include this text file (Roch6.txt), with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.