Title : Lots Of Roaring Chewing Hams: Abducted Filename : LORCH_Abducted.MAP Authors : Sanek & Merlijn E-mail's : Bechtin7@mail.ru and merlijn_redhot@hotmail.com Misc.Author Info: Sanek is an 18 years old russian mapper with a not very clear reputation in the Duke community. Merlijn is a veteran mapper who occasionally still contributes to CBP's and collaborations like this one, but is too busy (or lazy, you decide) to finish an entire map by himself these days. Other Levels : Tons. Check misc. websites Description Duke received a letter from his friend. The letter said that one very famous person was abducted. Duke has to go to a small town to save it. This is a small/medium city map, influenced by the famous roch series but implemented on a smaller scale. And you'll probably recognize the styles from both mappers. _____________________________________________________________________________ Thanks to beta-testers: Loke, Quakis, Joseph Grant and BlackJack ____________________________________________________________________________ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L8 Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No, it's not suitable for it from the start Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : No Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : No New Music : No New Sound : No New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No ____________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : New level Level Editor(s) Used : Mapster32 Construction Time : 4 months, the first two was really off, but the last two was on much of the time Known Bugs/Problems : nothing that should affect the gameplay.. * Where to get this MAP file * You've already got it! ______________________________________________________________________________________________