Probablemente el mejor mapa hecho por aficionados para Duke Nukem 3D.
El nivel está ambientado en un hospital, posiblemente un psiquiatrico, en el que parece que están ocurriendo sucesos paranormales.
El nivel posee un detallado que hace llorar a los mapas del juego original y también a la mayoría creado por aficionados.
El spritework es sublime, la iluminación soberbia y el detallado sensacional. Cuesta creer que un mapa de esta longitud (porque el mapa es realmente largo, tiene una duración demencial) esté tan extremadamente bien detallado y cuidado. Se nota la cantidad de horas que le han echado al desarrollo y creación.
Además cuenta con efectos nunca vistos, como un ascensor que cae al vacío o ventanas que abren solas, pero mejor no mencionar más para no estropear la sorpresa.
Se puede jugar con HRP, pero es más que recomendable hacerlo sin el. Como mucho las texturas de alta definición, pero bajo ningún concepto los modelos tridimensionales ya que desmerecen la jugabilidad del mapa. No está creado para utilizarlos y en algunos puntos distorsiona la experiencia e incluso dificulta la jugabilidad, ya que hay zonas en las que literalmente no ves los enemigos.
La dificultad es alta y no solo por las hordas de enemigos que habrá que eliminar en el camino (que también), si no porque tiene bastantes puzzles que habrá que resolver. Además la munición no es excesivamente abundante.
En definitiva, un mapa que no te puedes perder.
Score: | 100 |
RELEASE DATE: March 24 of 2011. 1.05v RELEASE DATE: March 26 of 2011. ====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS (fortunately). THIS LEVEL REQUIRES EDUKE32/JFDUKE/PROASM TO BE PLAYED. EDUKE32 IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Title : It Lives v1.05 Filename : It_lives Author : Luciano Gallo a.k.a. Gambini E-mail : Web Page : Misc. Author Info : Anything I'd like people to know about me. Other Levels : Blown Fuses, DPCB (proudly part of), Rush Back, Hydrofusion Substation, Duke Nukem Ex Mortum, Men in Black and a few unknown ones. Description : This is where i should write a story, but the map has story elements inside, so just pay attention to the texts and screens. Additional Credits To : Thanks to Lezing for coming up with a fabulous effect to fix a scripted sequence, and for Lebuild. Thanks to MerliJn and his Red5 map, which motitated me to start doing this map. Also for betatesting. Thanks to Deeperthought for grammar checking in the level texts and for a few scripts for Mapster32. Thanks to Mike Norvak for the IT LIVES official theme and betatesting. Thanks to Helixhorned for all his Mapster32 support. Thanks to TerminX for fixing some stuff in Eduke32 at my request. Thanks to Mikko Sandt for betatesting. 1.05v special mention to Lezing, Mike Norvak and Mikko Sandt for their tireless patience testing and testing and testing Thanks also to all those who reported bugs so i could polish this revision. ====================================================================== * Play Information * IMPORTANT INFORMATION: THIS MAP IS DESIGNED, TESTED AND MEANT TO BE PLAYED IN SOFTWARE MODE AND WITH AN UNMODIFIED DUKE3D ATOMIC EDITION COPY. OTHER PORTS, RENDERERS, ENHACEMENT MODS, AND HIGH RESOLUTION PACKS ARE UNSUPPORTED AND NOT RECOMMENDED. USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK: THE MAP IS NOT GOING TO WORK/LOOK AS IT IS INTENTED TO. PUT THE AUTOEXEC.CFG FILE THAT COMES IN THE PACK IN YOUR EDUKE32 FOLDER IF YOU´RE GOING TO PLAY THE MAP USING POLYMOST. OR SIMPLY TYPE r_shadescale 1.14 IN THE CONSOLE AT THE LEVEL STARTUP. A quick list of the most noticeable issues when ignoring this advice (skip it if you´re going to play it as described above): JFDuke: Game crashes randomly. No fog pals. Some distant sprites blink in big scenarios. Proasm Duke3dw: Same than above but a bit more stable. Polymost (any port): Scenarios are wrongly illuminated and atmosphere lacking. Some surfaces look pitch-black (only new eduke32, fixeable writting r_shadescale 1.14 in the console or including the autoexec.cfg). Polymer: Same than above but worse. Plus: Performance issues, sprites clipping each other in the signs, SOME VITAL ELEMENTS IN THE LEVEL AREN´T VISIBLE, hardcoded lights in the switchs spoil secrets. Dukeplus: Requires an unsuported renderer. Also, enemies are smarter which makes the level too hard. The "too many sprites" crash is plausible. And monsters just dissapear frequently. In the other hand, i´ve added a bunch of special effects to use with Dukeplus, it´s a good candidate if the monsters dissapearance is fixed. Polymost/polymer HRP: unaccurate and ugly looking, wrong colors all over the level. Terrible performance. Do not even try it. Software mode in full screen (wide screen monitors) wrong ratio aspect, the image looks stretched. ======================================================================= Single Player : Yes, in software mode. DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No. Too many scripted sequences. Imposible to set for more than one player. Difficulty Settings : No Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : No New Music : No, the usermap music ¨dethtoll¨ fits perfectly this level. New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : Mapster32, Lebuild 1.03´s map error checker and sectnum changes (until Helixhorned came up with the script_expertmode). Art Editor(s) Used : No new art, therefore no art editor needed. Construction Time : Almost three years, with lots of breaks in between. Known Bugs/Problems : There´s no fucking way to make a map work in all the ways Duke Nukem is played these days. I did my best trying to make a wide compatible map, including polymer lights, dukeplus effects and tweaking things (as model angles) for the HRP. You won´t experiment any issue playing the map in software mode, with the latest unnoficial Eduke32 and without enhacement mods (unless i missed something). ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Just drop the map file in your duke folder. Launch eduke32 and browse the it_lives file in the "usermap" episode. I included an autoexec.cfg file, but if you don´t want to use it and will play the map with opengl, write r_shadescale 1.14 in the console before starting. Important Notes : This map has been designed to be played in software mode. ====================================================================== Copyright/Permisions: Distribute this map in the original package only. Do not include it in any mod, TC, pack or episode. Do not use this map as a base for another map. Do not copy/paste this map or part of its content in another map. Do not modify this map in any way. If you find a bug, just send me your report to Don´t let this community die! Give feedback to the modders/mappers if you like their work. It´s the only reward they get.