HomeMaps › Godzilla 1998 [Thomas L. Harrell]

Godzilla 1998 DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP

Map features

  • Author: Thomas L. Harrell
  • Main game type: Single Player
  • Supported game types: Single Player, Dukematch
  • Year: 1998
  • Country/es: unknown
  • Minimum version: 1.3d
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 67 kb

Readme of Godzilla 1998




AUTHOR:  Thomas L. Harrell

E-MAIL ADDRESS:  TLHarrell@aol.com (for now...)

MISC AUTHOR INFORMATION: This is one of my first levels... the first to actually
 get completed. It has taken nearly two months of hard work and a lot of time
 debugging to produce a level that I feel is better than a few of the levels in
 the actual game. The map is a cityscape with several references to the 1998 movie
 Godzilla. Large footprints, a gash in the building from his tail, and an underground
 burrow with egg chamber are all from the movie.

 This is an incredibly detailed and outstanding level. This is not one of those crappy
 levels you are used to downloading which somebody spent 4 hours on... and looks like it.
 I hate those levels too. Everything here works. You will not find any of that crappy
 green-brown brick stuff on this level. If you cheat and use the jetpack to go out of the
 normal play area, it will be black. I will never upload a junky level. It is just not
 worth the time. If it looks lame, I delete it... or do a lot of fixing to make it work.

 Here is a cool thing to check out. Go into the theater... notice the crack to the right
 of the screen? Set a pipebomb there and go outside. Stand on the sidewalk across from
 the alley behind the theater and set the bomb off. Cool? Now reload the level and check
 it out on the inside too. Here's a good trick for Dukematch.... if you stick a laser
 tripbomb on that crack, you can't see it or the beam. Bummer for your opponent when they
 go in there.

 If you totally like this level and want more, please feel free to e-mail me. I am always
 coming up with more cool ideas and I hope I can create a new level every few months. If
 you have some ideas for a great level, let me know. I could always use a fresh viewpoint.
 Please distribute this level to all your friends. If you want to include this level on a
 CD collection somewhere... fine. No problem. Just let me know first.
 Thomas L. Harrell
 18645 Paseo Lado
 Saratoga, CA 95070

CREDITS: myself.... and my friends Dennis and Darren who playtested the level
 periodically while I was working on it... and found you can't get out of some buildings
 when you start in Dukematch. I fixed it.

*Play Info*

EPISODE AND LEVEL:  none... copy it to c:\duke3d\e1l1.map... after all, aren't you
   getting tired of that first level?

SINGLE PLAYER:  Obviously.... it works, but not as much fun as Dukematch.

DUKEMATCH PLAYERS:  Yes. Best if played w/ 2-4 players.



BASE:  New level from scratch, but I ripped off the police car from freeway.

EDITOR USED:  Build, of course. It's not great, but it's all we have.

BUGS:  None known of... I took a lot of time fixing any as they appeared.


GODZILLA.MAP:  The level.
GODZILLA.TXT:  You are reading it.