HomeMaps › Entrapped [Paul Bolduc]


Map features

  • Author: Paul Bolduc
  • Main game type: Single Player
  • Supported game types: Single Player, Dukematch, Cooperative
  • Year: 2013
  • Country/es: Canada
  • Minimum version: 1.4 (Atomic Edition)
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: Yes
  • Size of file: 197 kb

Readme of Entrapped


Title                 : Entrapped
Filename              : Entrapped.MAP
Author                : Paul Bolduc	
E-mail                : p_bolduc@hotmail.com
Web Page              : Your URL, if you have one
Misc. Author Info     : Try my other maps.
Other Levels          : RCPD.MAP, Parkade.map, Brookyln Bridge & Atomic Arena

Description\Story     :  

It appears the Aliens are getting smarter, not only are they attacking in numbers but they are setting traps to lure their prey. Duke, it's your job to find a way out of your cell, arm yourself and take back the quiet city that was once yours. 

Things are locked down pretty tight and Aliens are running rampant. Make sure you keep on task and keep a low profile until you can get an arsenal of weapons at your disposal. If you're finding yourself in a tough situation, protect yourself by interacting with boxes and crates and tables around you to shield you from a barrage of bullets.

The Sewer Company will have a spare key to access the Duke Burger utility room from the sewers and it would be a good point of entry into Duke Burger unnoticed. Don’t make the same mistake twice because getting yourself caught a second time will prove fatal. The Aliens always seem to be ready for a good fire fight.

The Cinema theatre manager has barricaded himself in his second story hotel room. So to meet with him you’re better off accessing the Hotel's second floor from the roof's ventilation system. If you’re needing additional rocket ammo there should be plenty stored in the Bank vault. Be advised before you can reach the vault you’ll have to disarm the Banks security system and to do this you’ll have to gain entry into the Police Security Outpost and don't think this will go unnoticed. Hopefully, you’ll find your way. Good luck Duke!


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #    : Stand-a-lone
Single Player          : Yes
DukeMatch 2-8 Player   : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings    : No
Plutonium Pak Required : Yes
New Art                : No
New Music              : No
New Sound Effects      : No
New .CON Files         : No
Demos Replaced         : No
Average Play Time: 50 Minutes


* Construction *

Base                   : New level from scratch
Level Editor(s) Used   : Mapster
Art Editor(s) Used     : None
Construction Time      : Almost 9 Months (Dec 4th 2012 - August 24 2013)
Known Bugs/Problems    : The frame rate in some areas can really dip when playing this map wish it would run faster. Some people may have to disable Polymer lighting to help with performance by typing R_PR_LIGHTING 0 in the console.

Some R_PR_LIGHTING effects will cause weird visual glitches. Sprites that are on floors where the polymer lights illuminate will make the floors appear transparent. (Examples of these areas include: Hotel, second floor near the blue key card after the fire extinguisher is blown up & Elevator lift floor in Theatre)

Sprites that pass through TROR layers will lose their blocking bit. Examples of this would be the sprites used for the scaffolding by the Hotel Front Entrance.

This map was created & tested using the Polymer renderer. It is recommended only to play it in that video mode because it uses 
true room over room (TROR). I have only tested this map with EDUKE version R4017 but I would recommend 
running latest version of Eduke found here: http://dukeworld.duke4.net/eduke32/synthesis/

This map hasn't been tested with any MODS besides the High Resolution Pack. I don't recommend playing this map using any MODS. The DUKE HRP is playable but for some reason the level appears way darker when using the HRP Pack. This may appeal to some. There are some sprites that don't align properly when using the HRP pack for instance the Cinema Sign outside doesn't look right.

I would like to thank David B, and Undertaker for providing feedback before releasing this map publically. 

I also would like to thank anyone who chooses to host this map on their web server.

Thanks for playing my map, it's Duke fan's like you that inspire mapper’s like me to create maps. Have fun!


*Important Information*

Installation           : Any special installation instructions should
                         go here.  If there are none, leave blank.

Important Notes        : Please don't modify or copy any parts of this map. 

Please redistribute the Entrapped.MAP with the Entrapped.TXT file. 
Thank you!
