HomeMaps › Dharga [Tamas Kovacs]


Map features

  • Author: Tamas Kovacs
  • Main game type: Single Player
  • Supported game types: Single Player
  • Year: 1997
  • Country/es: unknown
  • Minimum version: 1.3d
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 104 kb

Readme of Dharga

Title                 : Dharga - v1.2 (released Dec 16 1997)
Author                : Tamas Kovacs
E-mail                : kotomi@westel900.net
Web Page              : My friend has a homepage for Dharga at:

Description           : Duke's girlfriend has been captured! A wicked madman who hates
			Duke hid her in a place designed especially to give Duke a really
			hard time. He believes there will be no way out for Duke; the
			tricks and traps he set will be too difficult for our hero and
			he will not be able to rescue her. Do you think he will ever see
			her wink at him?

Additional credits to : - Elek Mathe - elek@unforgettable.com
			  Dharga's homepage and reviews of lots of other maps
			  and TCs, with rankings at:
			- Andras Piroska - pirihome@mail.elender.hu
			- Mike Shaw - BShaw78900@aol.com			  
			- Ender - bernarte@ix.netcom.com
			- Serban Gavrilescu - serban@geocities.com


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   :
Single Player         : Yes
DukeMatch Level       : Not implemented; Dharga-X is the Dukematch version.
Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : Build
Known Bugs            : - This map is _slow_. So don't run it under Windows,
			for example, and when running it under DOS use
			smartdrive. You'll need a fast machine, at least a
			Pentium-100 with 16 MB RAM. In any case, use a
			lower resolution and a smaller game window.
			- In the room where there are a lot of shrinkers,
			the game might stall if you explode the rotating
			columns that reflect the shrinker shots.
			- In some very rare cases, (usually after an explosion)
			it might happen that you cannot any longer pick up objects.
			In this case, you'll have to re-load the last saved game.
			Anyway, save _very_ often.
			Sorry, I have found no way of correcting these mistakes.
			They shouldn't really interfere with game play, though.
			There have been people who have completed the map.
This is the latest (probably the last) version of Dharga (released Dec 16 1997).
A few minor things have been changed to speed up gameplay.
Time of build         : 6 months ... believe it or not. You know, I have a job.

Other maps            : Dharga-X, the dukematch version. Available at the same
			site, see below. 

* Where to get this MAP file *

I thought you already had it ... Well, if you don't, there's a whole page
dedicated to it at: http://www.geocities.com/~elek/duke.html.