HomeMaps › Cross Of Death [Andy Mckie]

Cross Of Death DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP

Map features

  • Author: Andy Mckie
  • Main game type: Dukematch
  • Supported game types: Single Player, Dukematch
  • Year: 1996
  • Country/es: United Kingdom
  • Minimum version: 1.3d
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 5 kb

Readme of Cross Of Death


Name        : Cross of death
Filename    : cross1.map
Author      : Andy Mckie
Description : Open area deathmatch level. Converted from DOOM2 version.
Options     : Deathmatch only.
Copyright   : You can upload this level or place it on a CD only without
              change and including this text file. Also you must
              inform the author. You CANNOT use this level as a base for
              new levels without the author's permission. 
New stuff   : None
Bugs        : None
Email       : Friend's email at Alastair@Ednet.co.uk
FTP         : ftp://members.aol.com/DoomHeaven/
WWW         : http://www.netforward.com/deathsdoor/?DoomHeaven