HomeMaps › Community Build Project 2 [4as, Alejandro Glavic, Antonio Jesús Rodríguez (Grijan), Bob Averill, Geoffrey van Dijk (Fakir, Fakir Baba), James Stanfield (Jblade, Jblade35), Kevin Cools (Kef Nukem), Maarten van Oostrum (Maartn), Merlijn van Oostrum (Mrline), Mikko Sandt, Najtwish, Nils Walvius (Bullis1), William Gee (Willy), Yoshiyount]

Community Build Project 2 DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP

Map features

  • Authors: 4as, Alejandro Glavic, Antonio Jesús Rodríguez (Grijan), Bob Averill, Geoffrey van Dijk (Fakir, Fakir Baba), James Stanfield (Jblade, Jblade35), Kevin Cools (Kef Nukem), Maarten van Oostrum (Maartn), Merlijn van Oostrum (Mrline), Mikko Sandt, Najtwish, Nils Walvius (Bullis1), William Gee (Willy), Yoshiyount
  • Main game type: Single Player
  • Supported game types: Single Player
  • Year: 2003
  • Country/es: Argentina, Canada, Spain, United States, Finland, New Zealand, Netherlands, United Kingdom
  • Minimum version: 1.4 (Atomic Edition)
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 79 kb

Readme of Community Build Project 2

Community Build Project. (CBP)
Authors     : Kevin Cools, William Gee, Antonio Rodriguez,
              FakirBaba, Bullis1, James Stanfield, Mikko
              Sandt, Najtwish, 4as, Bob Averill, Yoshiyount,
              Maarten and Merlijn van Oostrum, Alejandro

Release date: January 29th, 2003.

Build Time  : About six months

URLs        : http://amc.hopto.org
(where to     http://www.planetduke.com/msdn
get this)     http://www.planetduke.com/kef

Duke version: 1.3D

How to run  : Just copy the CBP.MAP file into your Duke
              Nukem 3D folder, open the DOS prompt and
              type "duke3d map cbp".

And so what's this?
The idea of a CBP is to put some parts from different
mappers all together in a single map. There was another
map like this in the past but the difference was that
it had parts taken from previously released maps. In
this one, each mapper made a new contribution, a room
which was built specially for it.

This map started about six months ago when Fakirbaba
posted a message in the AMC forum telling us about the
idea. A lot of mappers liked it and so it started being
made. As communication way we got a private forum, it
means that only the mappers involved in this project
could access it. And so each one's parts were getting
finished but unfortunately near the end the AMC website
including the forums were deleted (hacked? maybe). That
obviously delayed the completion of the map but later
the private forum was re-created and so the CBP got done
to the end even with these difficulties.
Parts, in order
1  Kevin Cools
2  William Gee
3  Bullis1
4  FakirBaba
5  Maarten and Merlijn van Oostrum
6  Yoshiyount
7  James Stanfield
8  Najtwish
9  Antonio Rodriguez
10 Mikko Sandt
11 4as
12 Bob Averill
13 Alejandro Glavic
Now, some authors wrote comments about their respective parts

Part 1 by Kevin Cools
Yeaaah Kevin, Kuffi, Kef_Nukem bla bla. I made my part for the CBP because uh, I was bored and it has this style since it's my style... I hate both USA and IRAQ. USA wants troubles, if they can't find them, they create them. And no words for IRAQ. I'm starting to hate loads of countries in the east. All these damn religions cause wars. Blah. Well that's pretty much it. No idea why you're reading this, probably you just stink or something. 


Part2 by William Gee

William Gee Zone! 

Big red area! rotating doors couple of comanders Pigs troupers and some explosions! RPG.
I joined the CBP because i wanted to build a map with lots of people. I have never done this before so this was a new opertunity.
Well azz for the design of my part, If you have played my maps then u would already know i enjoy building large areas with red colouring. 
America is a great nation that has done many wonderfull things for the world. Iraq has been a pain in the AZZ done nothing good for anybody and has done horible things to the world. Will America Attack without giving the world thr proff we nead? I doubt it although America has been makeing small attacks on Iraq. I Think all those troups are there just to threaten Iraq and scare them into becomeing a better nation. But all this crap has left Aftganistan with very little and they have lost out BIG TIME.


Part 3
author: bullis1 (real name: Nils Walvius)
email: bullis2222@yahoo.com
website address: http://www.geocities.com/bullis2222/
theme: futuristic tech/base

I joined the CBP because I had never done something like it before. I figured it could be a learning experience, as I have never worked on a map with other people before. My section of the map is very clean and bright (except the dead guy and all that) because there is way too many gloomy maps for Duke. I was inspired by Dominion Tank Police anime when I made my part. It is very bright and futuristic in that movie/series, and I thought it would look neat in my part of the map. I really enjoyed working on the CBP, despite the numerous delays/problems we ran into. I'd definately do it again, though.

I really don't think the whole "War on Iraq" thing that the U.S. is pushing is really necessary. I live in Canada, so I'm very very close to the U.S. Therefore, any war/attacks that may occur in the U.S. could also affect me. I don't want to get nuked because of something the U.S. did. Also, some U.S. residents are treating Canadians like dirt because they believe that Canada is a safe haven for terrorists, and that we provide easy access for them into the U.S. I may be wrong, but it's just my humble opinion.


Part 5: made by Merlijn & Maarten van Oostrum
(email: Merlijn_redhot@hotmail.com & oostrum_maarten@hotmail.com)

This must be the only part made by TWO builderz :P We joined in
cuz... well cuz it seemed fun! And it was :) We made our part in just
2-3 days.. from schratch! (no things where made before we recieved
the map from Fakir) I think you'll like our part, it has some inside
and outside locations, some tough enemies, explosions and more. You'll
move from the base into a rocky landscape. Our part begins where you
see our names (well DUH!) and ends with a sign saying "bye!" (can't be
too hard to understand :P) Well go see for yourself :)

Oh and Ale asked also to say something about Iraq (dunno what it has to
do with this map, but WTF..)
Merlijn: Simple I'm against this upcoming war, it's the wrong solution
and will make problems bigger instead of smaller. Clear enough.
I don't feel like saying more about it, I already
did at the AMC-forums :P
Maarten: No opinion

Still there? Stop reading and enjoy this great map!! :D


Part 7 (The underwater base)
Author: James 'Jstanf35' Stanfield
Email: Jstanf35@hotmail.com
Website address: None as of yet
Theme: Underwater Base

Well, after 'bout 6 months of hard work, here it is, the next CBP. So, "who the hell are you?" You might ask.
Well, At first I never took part much in the Duke Nukem community until Alejandro launched the Forum for his website AMC. There I posted & let people know my opinions on any matters that rised. That is until I released my Add-on that I worked on soley by myself, Imagination world. This wasn't my first released work though, I made a level & a weapon for Borg Nukem. I also took part in many other projects, making maps & textures for other add-ons. So why do I BUILD? Spend time with an old game that many people shrug-off in favour of MOH:AA & UT2003? Simple, to show people what I can do with old stuff. I like to show people my Survival Tech-demo, show them the neat effects I've programmed like alternate footsteps, & an ability to build stuff in a Natural Selection kind of way. So what am I working on now? Not DN3D, I'm afraid. Only little projects, such as Mesa Visitor (I won't eleaborate as it's for Half-life, not DN3D). My big plan is to make a sequal for IW, either on Unreal 2 or DNF (when it's released) I decided to go for a underwater theme, because I just love it, it's so atmospheric compared to some crappy old Space ship or city. But anyway, stop reading my rant & go on to the next person's, and enjoy the map as well (; 


Part 9
Author: Grijan (from Spain)
Email: ajgelado@eresmas.net
Website address: http://ajgelado.eresmas.net/
Theme: sewer system

I bet you haven't played any levels from me, because I haven't released a single one. The idea of the sewer with transparent water and red brick walls has been rescued from a project I had in mind a couple of years ago. I do know - transparent sprites need a lot of CPU power. But they are so cute! I joined the CBP2 because I loved CBP1, and I thought this was a good opportunity to show the world what I can do... even if it's not as good as I would like.

Irak is doing what it shouldn't do, sure. But does the USA have the right to attack it? I don't think so. I think USA wants problems and wars only to let their armament factories to sell their production, and because the war is allways far away from the country and they aren't in danger. On the other hand, the USA aren't the creators of the liberty. For example, the French Revolution had as its slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" long before slavery was prohibited in the USA. I think that if USA left the 3rd world's countries find its own way to liberty, the world would be a better place. 


Part 10 by Mikko Sandt
I decided to join this project because I'm sure that's what people wanted - to see my work even I had abandoned Build a couple of years ago. I also wanted to give my last touch for it. I actually made two parts for CBP2 but I made that first part already back in summer 02 and it looked crappy when my turn finally came (to add my part to actual level) - So I made a new one which is inspired by a building in Delta Force 2 film (starring Chuch Norris - the greatest actor of our time). 
I love USA because without them the whole Europe would be fucked (England, France & Germany would be choking each other without big brother watching) and they brought us development & the idea of freedom - not to mention entertainment-industry. I hope they take over the whole 3rd world & arab countries (including Iraq) because I have come to conclusion that these countries just don't know how to live by themselves - not to mention the fact that current problems spawn from these countries. 


Part 11
Author: 4as
Email: 4.as@wp.pl
Website address: http://www.crosswinds.net/~mastertran/
Theme: Reflective passage =)

I just sit and thought - "I got to do a reflective floor" - and here it is !


Part 13
by: Alejandro Glavic
e-mail: aglavic@yahoo.com.ar
website: http://amc.hopto.org

My part was made using the hi-tech style that, if you've played some of my maps, you should know that I really love it. Basically it's a big room where you will have to fight some enemies and later a curved corridor that leads you to the end of the map. Was really pleasant to make something for Duke again, since it was a long time from the previous last time I opened Build. Why did I join the CBP? Apart from an interesting project, it's really good to see something like this in these days. I hope there will be more.

That's it, enjoy the map! :)