:BEGIN TRANSMISSION......... :EARTH DEFENSE FORCES 847395.3 ENCODED :SECURITY CLEARANCE 7 ........:TOP SECRET :TO DUKE NUKEM :FM COL ROBERT ARGON, DIRECTOR SECURITY CONTROL/EDFHQ :RE EDF SECURITY DOCKET #075140 Duke, enclosed you will find your classisifed orders in a standard EDF security docket. Let me outline your mission as clearly as I can...on stardate 57839.6 all contact was lost with moonbase Beta Two located on the moon. Nine years ago you were sent to it's predecessor Beta One to eliminate an alien invasion, it appears the same thing may have occured at Beta Two, and it is your misson to penetrate the facility and find out why all contact was lost. You will be transported to Beta Two by the dropship 'Leonov', which will immediately depart, as you will be alone on this mission. Find out what has occured and why all contact has been lost, if you discover an alien infestation, you are hereby authorized to use whatever force is necessary to eliminate it, up to and including the destruction of the base itself. The runabout class shuttle 'Yangtzee Kiang' has been verified to be intact in the hanger, use it for escape if necessary... or possible. Good luck Duke, all the hopes of Earth go with you! :END TRANSMISSION ============================================================= BETA TWO: Blood Moon ============================================================= A Duke Nukem 3D Space Adventure FILENAME : betatwo.map AUTHOR : Robert Travis E-MAIL : rtravis1@earthlink.net HOMEPAGE : http://home.earthlink.net/~rtravis1/ SINGLE PLAYER? : Yes DUKEMATCH? : Yes CO-OP PLAY? : Yes DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : Not Implemented BASE: : New level from scratch EDITOR USED : Build FOR NEW USERS : To play this level, copy the file betatwo.map into your Duke Nukem 3D directory. At the command prompt, type setup, from the menu select "Select User Level". Find "betatwo" in the list and hit enter to choose it. At the bottom of the menu, select "Save and launch Duke Nukem". Be sure to try my other levels: Beta One, Anslem, Aztec, and Guilty =========================================================== For more information on this, and other levels visit my webpage at http://home.earthlink.net/~rtravis1/ Thanks for playing Beta Two: Blood Moon! ===========================================================