Title : Anarchy City 3 : Zero Tolerance
Date Finished : May 24th, 2004
txt file), all included in ANCHYC3.ZIP :P
Author : Aymeric Nocus
Email Address : aymeric-nocus@tele2.fr
Web page : None
Misc. Author Info : 16 year-old from France who LOVES skateboarding, playing bass in a
punk-rock band and of course building Duke 3D maps to kick ass again
and again and again... :P My English used to suck dog-ass, but I think
it's getting better whaddya think ? :P
Other levels : "First maps" good enough to be released :
- Clerey 2.0 (find it somewhere on the AMC forums)
- Notre-Dame des Aydes 2.0 (DN-R 91%)
- Mega-CGR 2.0 (DN-R 90%, AMC 78%)
- Blois (unreleased)
- Tours (DN-R 91%, MSDN 82%)
- Dark Side of the Moon (DN-R 87%)
Lattest maps :
- Anarchy City (DN-R 93%)
- Downtown Ride (DN-R 92%, BEDS 92%)
- Overtime (MSDN 93%, DN-R 94%, AMC 89%)
- Anarchy City 2 (first big release : MSDN 90%, DN-R 94%, AMC 91%)
Description : Anarchy City III is the sequel to... take a lucky guess... Overtime !
Yep. Hence the firetruck at the beginning of the level ;) The level
takes place in a city at night, there's a lot of cars, indoor
locations, shadows, lots and lots of spritework and some very cool
architecture (look how I brag about my own level - it is scary :P).
Lots of monsters and ammo / health, which means lots of enjoyable
firefights :D
It has some new monsters, like new pigcops and a miniboss version of
Overlord ;)
Here's the story : you were escaping from the EDF Base with da
firetruck (play Overtime if you haven't yet) when suddenly a strange
alien-like organic wall rises from the road all around the street,
trapping you in a city block infested with aliens. You gotta clean
up the place and find a way to escape from the city block. The way
out must be somewhere underground...
This level is based on a real-world place in Blois, France - the city
where I live. It's based on the local skate spot - hence the cop cars,
the pig cops ambushes, and the 'secret antiskate weapon' (you'll see).
It has some cool new FX, like a skateboard you can jump on and ride
across the city.
I guess it's the best level I've ever done and it's the most realistic
of all of my levels, too. Enjoy or die... :P
Additional Credits to : ReApEr, Methunter and BlitZ for pissing me off to get the beta version
while I was putting in monsters and items cuz they wanted to betatest
immediatly - they didn't :P but at least they made me finish the level
faster ;) Thanx guys.
Merlijn 'Mrline' Van Oostrum for reviewing it on AMC ;)
The Repository Bloke who puts up my levels with way-too-high-but-can't-
complain scores regularly :D for being a cool mate
Alex 'ShrinkDuke' Pistol, who told me AC2 is one of the best levels he
has ever played :o and everybody at AMC for general support
Reaper Man and Quakis at AMC for the help with the miniboss problem :P
The guys who wrote those early FAQs back in 1996 - Brett Gmoser, Jonah
Bishop, Stefen Itterheim and Klaus Breuer.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Fuck that ! User map
Single Player : Yes !!!!! Go for it
Cooperative 2-8 Player : No
DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented - who cares about that ?!
New Sounds : None
New Music : Yes, a song by NOFX (The Quass / Dying Degree) :P I downloaded it from
this site : http://www.bollhalter.com/IntentionallyPunk/midis.html
Check it out !
New Graphics : No, but I guess it will feel like new art, I was tired of the old
building textures so I played around with some window sprites, you'll
see :P
New/changed CONs : None
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : About a month
Editor(s) used : Build
Known Bugs / Problems : NONE THAT I KNOW OF. Some sprite glitches here and there :P
May Not Run With... : 1.3d
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. But they can scope it under
Build to see how the new effects work.
You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may
distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include
this file intact.
I'm at no fault if the files included in the ZIP file damage your computer. Don't worry they
hardly could :P
* Where to get this MAP file *
On your HD :P
DN-R I think : http://www.bur.st/~duke3d/index.htm
And perhaps on MSDN : http://www.planetduke.com/msdn/
AMC : http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~amc/index.php
Perhaps BEDS (Brother Ed's Duke Site) : http://www.geocities.com/brotherhoodpages/Bedduke.html
*Important Information*
Installation : - Back up your GAME.CON and USER.CON files and delete them
- Unzip ANCHYC3.MAP to your Duke folder
- Lauch the level via SETUP.EXE
- Have fun :P
Next maps by me : I already have plans for AC 4, 5 and 6 :D and I'll work on some other projects
too. Wait and see and check out my AC thread on AMC for more info :P