================================Author Info=================================== Title : DOCKSIDE.MAP Author : Randy Ford Email Address : RAFord@aol.com Description : This is a great Dukematch level, the setting is a dock, a hotel and a cargoship on a channel. The ship has a working crane! (hint:jump on the box & look up to see the crane start moving) This level has cameras, underwater areas, weapons(of course) Dukematch only items and anything cool I could think of! Theres no ending, so kill all the monsters, then plan your DukeMatch game! Please DON'T shoot the women! Files included : Dockside.MAP Dockside.TXT Additional Credits to : 3D Realms of course, my brother and my wife (she lost me to this world) SE & ST.Maps were alot of help! Other levels I've made : I've made LAVA01-cool deathmatch set in a lava pool only select weapons to keep it even. THEMINE(but I have an updated version) THEMINE2-deathmatch and single player level set inside and outside of a mine, (this one will be on a CDRom from BradyGames) I'm working on several others at the same time so lookout! I also made CHRSHWN.Map just a little map of were I work. ============================================================================== ** Play Information ** Level # : User Map Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No (sorry) Dukematch 2-8 Player : YES! set for 8 player(great as 2 player modem game) Difficulty Settings : No Monsters : Yes-but no ending ** Build Information ** Base : From scratch (with help from SE. & ST.map's) Build time : Time is the fire in which we burn Editors used : BUILD Known Bugs : None so far and it's been played ALOT ** Copyright / Permissions ** Who cares anymore?