HomeMapas › Danzig Level 02 [B. Vannatta, Jay Scott (Chookman)]

Danzig Level 02 MAPA DE DUKE NUKEM 3D

Características del mapa

  • Autores: B. Vannatta, Jay Scott (Chookman)
  • Tipo de juego principal: Dukematch
  • Tipos compatibles: Dukematch
  • Año: 1996
  • País: desconocido
  • Versión mínima: 1.3d
  • Nuevas texturas: No
  • Nuevos sonidos: No
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 7 kb

Readme de Danzig Level 02

Title                   : "DANZIG LEVEL 02"

Filename                : DANZIG02.MAP
Author                  : Chookman (J.Scott), B. Vannatta
Email Address           : jscott@mail.wwdc.com 

Misc. Author Info       : This is my third DOOM2 conversion and 
			  I stayed with the classic DANZIG02.WAD.
			  My previous two were the first in the
			  series called DANZIG01.WAD and the ninth
			  in the series called DANZIG09.WAD. 
			  Essentially,I have converted the floor 
			  plan over and installed all sprites, 
			  tags, textures etc.

Description             : If you don't know the DANZIG levels, then
			  you must have been hiding under a rock the 
			  past few years.  There are a few small changes
			  from the original in that there are more
			  weapons to choose from and texture changes.
			  The exit is handled differently because of
			  the difference between lifts in DOOM and DUKE.

Additional Credits to   : 3dRealms, B. Vannatta (The best level maker
			  for Doom I've ever seen.  Check out his 
			  HARM1.MAP for DUKE!) Glen Burgess and
			  Dalton Dykeman for playtesting and dying 
			  often.  Thanks again to Smitty for beta
			  testing on TEN!


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : MAP E1L1
Single Player           : Yes - You don't have any friends?
Cooperative 2-8 Player  : Hell No!
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : YES! - 8 players is CRAZY.  I Love it!
Difficulty Settings     : Nope - I haven't tried it yet....
New Sounds              : No 
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : No - But if ya wanna send me some.........

* Construction *

Base                    : Converted and Modified Level from Doom2

Editor(s) used          : Build, NWT 1.3, Wintex 4.2, Wad2Map.exe

Build Time              : Hmmm...Let's see...About 8 hours.

Known Bugs & Limitations: None

* Copyright / Permissions *

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact. I am also not below accepting a free copy of the CD. ;)

* Where to get this WAD *

I have no idea.  Why should you care?  If you are reading this, you
should have it.  If not,  E-mail me and I'll see what I can do.