HomeMapas › Confession [Tim Conneen]


Características del mapa

  • Autor: Tim Conneen
  • Tipo de juego principal: Single Player
  • Tipos compatibles: Single Player, Dukematch, Cooperative
  • Año: 1997
  • País: Estados Unidos
  • Versión mínima: 1.3d
  • Nuevas texturas: No
  • Nuevos sonidos: No
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 92 kb

Readme de Confession


Title                   : Confession
Filename                : confessn.map
Author                  : Tim Conneen
Email Address           : conneen@ee.cornell.edu
Misc. Author Info       : author of "Stupid SE0 Tricks for DN3D"
Description             : A map for Duke Nukem 3D 1.3D (non-atomic)

   The time has finally come for Duke to pay for his crimes!  Or has it? 
   After finding our hero passed out on the floor of a bar in the Red 
   Light District, some of the last remaining aliens take Duke to their 
   secret subterranean installation hidden in a quiet valley in central 
   New York.  Their goal: force Duke to confess to slaughtering all those
   helpless women-in-alien-bondage, and then summarily execute him!  But 
   Duke has another idea:  he'll make his confession, alright, and for his 
   penance he'll blow the Schwepp out of the stinkin' place!  But Duke's
   going to find that drum trials aren't all that go on at this facility - 
   in fact, he'll uncover a secret so sinister, so powerful, that all 
   DN3D maps everywhere could lose their ability to come to an end!

Additional Credits to   : James Duffy (MarcosV) for playtesting.
   Thanks to Klaus Breuer & Jonah Bishop and Brett Gmoser, the Build
   faqers, the guys who taught me and so many other level authors
   how to Build.  Thanks to Dave Atwater and Shane King for their sound 
   effects lists.  Thanks to Ken Silverman for answering the call for
   a level editor with a 3-d perspective, and thanks to 3D Realms for
   Duke 3D. 

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative             : Yes (up to 8 players)
DukeMatch               : Perhaps too large, but the starts are there
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No

* Construction *
Base                    : New Level from scratch 
Editor(s) used          : Build 
                          Developed on a 90MHz-overclocked P75 with 48MB of
                          plain 70ns DRAM and a 2MB DRAM #9 GXE Trio64 video 
                          card.  Frame rate reference:  'dnrate' reports
                          46 FPS in 320x200 mode at exact startup position
                          (staring at "Guilty" signs).  
Known Bugs              : Going crazy with the rocket launcher underwater 
                          may cause a crash (despite my efforts to stabilize
                          the area); the message displayed when level ends 
                          (an artifact of E1L2) is totally out of context.


* Copyright / Permissions *

Copyright 1997 by Tim Conneen.  Permission to reproduce this map file and
text file in their original, unmodified form for any purpose is hereby

* Where to find this level (if there are updates) *

I've got an advert page for this map (should be there until mid-late 1998)
at http://www.ee.cornell.edu/~conneen/confessn.html .

Also, at http://www.ee.cornell.edu/~conneen/se0trick.html, I'm plugging
"Stupid SE0 Tricks for DN3D", a build help file and map which explain how 
to exploit the rotate-rise bridge and gear sectors to create new kinds of
effects.  Several effects seen in confessn.map (the folding door, the gaping
pit) were created using techniques described in se0trick.txt.

* Miscellaneous release notes *

- The first room is, by design, far too difficult.  What, you think it's 
  supposed to be easy to evade your execution?  In fact, the whole level
  is too hard.  C'est la guerre!

- The opening (the pulsing 'Guilty' signs) was inspired by Brett Gmoser's
  pulsating lights demo map.  

- If you think the architecture of the submerged house is strange, how'd
  you like to live there?  It's a fairly faithful reproduction of my place -
  right down to the odd false walls bordering the roof near the chimney
  and the seemingly unfinished porch in the back yard.  The first floor
  apartment is not as accurate... I'm not sure whether or not it's actually
  half filled with alien slime, for instance.

- You're _still_ _reading_ ?!  Wow, thanks for indulging me so far.
  This level was prematurely dubbed `penitent.map' and `lastever.map' in
  obsolete releases of "Stupid SE0 Tricks".  I would have kept the name
  `penitent' if some hoser hadn't released another map with that name.
  This is release 1.0 of confessn.map (hopefully the only release).
