HomeMapas › Aliens 2.0 [Jonathan Cacy (LizardKing)]


Características del mapa

  • Autor: Jonathan Cacy (LizardKing)
  • Tipo de juego principal: Dukematch
  • Tipos compatibles: Dukematch
  • Año: 1996
  • País: Estados Unidos
  • Versión mínima: 1.3d
  • Nuevas texturas: No
  • Nuevos sonidos: Si
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 369 kb

Readme de Aliens 2.0

Title                       : Aliens 2.0 for Duke Nukem 3d
Filenames                   : Aliens20.map, B2atk01.aln, B2atk03.aln,
					Barmusic.aln, Chaingun.aln, Mice3. aln,
					Opendoor.aln, Pistol.aln, Preddy.aln,
					Prdpn.aln, Prdrg.aln, Roam06.aln, Roam58.aln
					Rpgfire.aln, Shotgnck.aln, Shotgun7.aln
					Slirec06.aln, Sliroa02.aln, Teleport.aln
					Aliens20.txt, Alienon.bat, Alienoff.bat
Author(s)                   : Jonathan Cacy (LizardKing)
Email Address               : x84913a4@cadet2.usma.edu
Description                 : This map is a very close representation of the
					final rescue scene in "Aliens" where Ripley
					goes into the atmosphere processer to save Newt.
					This map, unlike Aliens10.map, is made only for 
Misc Author Info            : I'm a cadet at West Point. I really don't have too 
					much time on my hands, but I thought I would make 
					an attempt at a map. This is my first level redone.
Additional Comments	    : Just run Alienon.bat to turn on the "Aliens" 
					sounds.  Then run Alienoff.bat to turn off all of
					the "Aliens" sounds. Simple enough.
Play Information
Episode and level           : Just play it. 
Single Player               : No, if you want one player, play Aliens10.map
Coop                        : Umm no
Dukematch                   : Yes, this is the only reason for this map
Difficulty settings         : No, don't need it for dukematch
New Sounds			    : Yes (I got some cool sounds from the movie)
New Graphics		    : No, but as soon as I figure it out I'm gonna redo
					this level with new graphics.
New Demos			    : No

New in this version	    : I added another teleport for faster action, more
					weapons, faster elevator, better placement of weapons,
					less sprites,and no explosions for faster play over net.
					I also made the level a little smaller by getting rid
					of one of the hallways.

Time				    : 2 months (I put every detail I could into it),
					but really only a few days to redo Aliens10 for
					dukematch only
Base                        : Made from scratch and whatever I got from "Aliens"
Editors used                : BUILD
Know bugs                   : If you duck at the entrance of the drop ship's
					cockpit then you get crushed. If you find anymore
					e-mail me.

Thanks to
                            : Mike Golden (P_Gravy) for the hours and hours put
					in dukematching me in this level.
				    : 20 Century Fox and Jim Cameron for making such a
					kick ass movie.
				    : And of course 3dRealms for a kick ass game.