HomeMapas › A1-House [A1 Stud Muffin]


Características del mapa

  • Autor: A1 Stud Muffin
  • Tipo de juego principal: Dukematch
  • Tipos compatibles: Dukematch
  • Año: 1996
  • País: desconocido
  • Versión mínima: 1.3d
  • Nuevas texturas: No
  • Nuevos sonidos: Si
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 55 kb

Readme de A1-House

Title                  : A1-HOUSE 
Filename               : A1-HOUSE.MAP
Author                 : A1 Stud Muffin
Email Address          : 100241.1244@compuserve.com
Misc. Author Info      : Former DOOM level author [A1-MUFFY, A1-SPACE,
                         A1-SNIPE w/Kowalski, and MANY others.]
Description            : Blast the crap out of your buddies in a mansion!
New Sounds             : Yes - You'll see... :)
New Graphics           : No
New Music              : No
Additional Credits to  : 

* Play Information *
Episode and Level      : Episode 1, Level 1
Single Player          : Yeah, I guess so. But you'll be bored. :)
Dukematch Level        : You're damn right.
Difficulty Settings    : No

* Construction *
Base                   : Absolutely nuthin'... yeah!
Editor(s) used         : BUILD editor 
Build Time             : Around 2-3 hours [not including time to learn
                         BUILD. Shudder.]
Known Bugs             : Some major slowdowns can occur outside in the
                         garden, as there's a hell of a lot of plants.
                         [This runs fine on my p100 at 320x200, but in
                         640x480 it has a significant slowdown.] To fix
                         this simply blow away the trees. Works for me! :)

* Copyright / Permissions *
You may do as you wish with this level, provided you get my permission first.
[Send me an e-mail, I won't refuse!] 

* Where to get this .MAP file *
But, don't you already *HAVE* the .MAP file? :) I suppose you mean "HOW do I
RUN this .MAP file?" :) Well, type this at the command prompt:


Or go into Duke3D setup, and "Select User Level" then select A1-HOUSE.MAP, and
then "Save Settings and run Duke3D". Now you're on your way!